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How do you write?

How do you write?

Just start.

Write what you know.

Use a prompt.

Join a club.

Write together.

Write often.

Don’t edit.

Sure, all of those things. AND find what works for you. I like to make lists and lists turn into words and turn into blogs and into chapters and into stories.

I am a part of a writing club that meets every other week and we start with a prompt. We write for a set amount of time and then we give feedback on the skills we are working on. I love a good prompt but I’ve often tried to figure out how to take the prompt or blog and stretch it into a good book. 

What if everything is just a series of prompts? What if each chapter has 10 prompts within it? What if the skill comes from answering them in a way that they flow together? What if the real work is looping them together. 

I guess it means that the writing is done and the puzzling begins. Except that, Accept that . . . the writing is never done. 

Oh, and just answering a question as a prompt is not it either. The reason, the why, the feeling, the emotions matter because the answer is always changing. I think.

Anyway. I’m writing today. Or puzzling as it were.

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